The Center for Transformative Action hosts the Finger Lakes Social Entrepreneurship Institute every year, bringing leaders and changemakers together for a weekend of workshops, keynotes, coaching, networking, and field trips. I set up a “story station” at this year’s FLSEI and offered every participant the opportunity to share their stories on camera.
This project had value beyond simple documentation for CTA. I worked with them before the event to develop a unique set of interview questions to elicit stories that showcase the unique narrative of social entrepreneurship and how interviewees have been supported by the Institute and the Center. In addition to 25 unique, individual interview videos, I created two “supercuts”. The first focused on defining social entrepreneurship, which can be used to position CTA as an innovative leader in social entrepreneurship education. The second was exclusively with CTA project leaders, focused on the benefits that CTA has provided.
I compiled all of the interviews, supercuts, and a event recap into a custom website, which lets visitors explore relationships and discover people and projects. Calls to action and contact information are woven throughout the site to inspire engagement and facilitate new connections.
Visit the project at